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The CRETHINK toolbox provides materials and support to get the users involved in the local Living Lab activities.


These include: Methodology, Best Practices, Documents on SDGs, Living Lab Facilitation Guide and Training Material.


The toolbox is aimed at both public employees, private actors and civil society, and will serve as information, inspiration and a practical toolkit to initiate democratic co-creation processes and sustainability development.


As the project develops, the toolbox will fill up with relevant tools related to method, best practice, online courses and training curriculum, training materials, guidelines and other relevant documents.


The CRETHINK Toolbox has to be understood as an open interactive learning resource for users who are keen to deepen their knowledge of sustainability topics and challenges in urban contexts as well as to familiarise with effective methods to address them.


While it already includes foundational documents for the facilitation of co-creation and collaboration between all the actors of our communities, it is also a flexible instrument that can be enriched by single users who want to exchange their experiences, post comments, promote ideas and upload additional relevant resources.

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