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Italian best practice

Italian Best Practice Example: A living lab for sustainable development

In this example you can read about a project with the aim to support the creativity and innovative capacity of the territory, and in particular young people, by ensuring access to a range of tools and skills that strengthen personal development opportunities, learning and adaptation to social change, intercultural competences, the development of new and flexible approaches to problem-solving in the territory to generate job and business opportunities in strategic sectors of territorial rural development.


Read more in the attached document 


Italian Best Practice Example: Green Schools

In this example you can read about a project where schools at the provincial level have been transformed into Sustainable Campuses, real incubators for the development of a new mentality oriented towards sustainability and energy saving.


Read more in the attached document 


Italian national report on the context for co-creation on sustainability

This report looks at the national and local context for Palermo, Italy for co-creation on sustainability. The report looks at national and local policies, charters and practices towards co-creation in relation to sustainability, as well as main drivers, good practices, challenges and needs.


Read more in the attached document 


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