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The Icelandic case / Newsletter #2

As the local project evolves around getting people living in the town of Hveragerði, in the southern part of Iceland, to reduce their unsorted waste by 10%, it is hard not being able to meet those people and discuss ways to make this reduction.

The agents decided that a good way to reach them would be to start by writing and publishing articles and information on how the town is actually doing when it comes to waste sorting and recycling. These articles where published in the local papers and other media and even got attention from the national media that resulted in a radio interview. When the agents realized that the citizens of Hveragerði where noticing and listening to their message, the decided to start a Facebook page for the locals, dedicated to this project. It was really well received and soon the “followers” were around 10% of the population. The agents then decided that it was time to try to interact with the locals and sent out a survey regarding their views on recycling. The survey got great response with 130 residence participating. Next up is working through the answers and pinpointing project to co-create with the community.

But there is more. As the change agents started to meet each other and discuss the situation in Hveragerði and how to start this process of zero waste, all kinds of ideas started to emerge. As the agents represent different stake holders, ideas on how to get these groups to work together started to develop. In the town of Hveragerði, a plastic recycling company called Pure North, has its operation. This company uses geothermal heat to power their machines, making it one of the most environmentally friendly recycling company in the world. One of the agent’s idea was to find a way to get other local companies, as well as the municipality to start gathering their plastic specially and deliver it to this recycling company instead of sending it away to be recycled elsewhere. This is a great way to keep the material inside the local economy as a part of the circular economy system / zero waste idea. With this idea, the agents were able to have a meeting with the owner of the recycling company and the mayor of Hveragerði that lead to co-creation moment on how they could work together to make this happen. Next step is to formalize these ideas to a collaboration and start the work.


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CRETHINK: KA204-2019-004 / 2019-1-DK01-KA204-060197

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